
Andrew Baird art homepage

Australian Academy of Science – Australia’s peak scientific body.

ASCI – Art Science Collaborations Inc., New York based portal on all things Art/Science.

ANAT – Australian Network for Art and Technology, Support organisation for Art/Science cross-disciplinary activities.

The Australian Synchrotron – Centre of accelerator physics in Australia

CPAS – Science communications centre based at ANU.

Encyclopedia of Australian Science – Refence site for Science in Australia.

The Arts Catalyst – UK body which commissions contemporary art that experimentally and critically engages with science.

National Science Week – Info on Science Week projects around the country.

Science Week in Victoria – Information about Science Week events around Victoria.

ANZAAS – Australian & New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science.

Artsactive – An international network of artists’ programmes in research labs.

Royal Institution of Australia – Sister organisation to the Royal Institution of Great Britain, bringing science to people and people to science.