Illuminations comes to Hobart

Illuminations opens at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Research (IMAS), on Hobart’s waterfront, from July 17th 2015 – August 15th 2015.

This exhibition is a selection of around 20 portraits (including 4 new ones) from the full collection, focussing on Marine and Antarctic researchers.

A launch commences at 5pm July 17th.

See for more details

Illuminations in London

Portraits from the Illuminations collection are to appear at Espacio Gallery, East London as part of CHEMCRAFT – For Love of Chemistry : Aesthetic Forms and Their Opposites an international exhibition of dynamic contemporary art themed on Chemistry.

The exhibition opens late July 2015, and more information can be found here.

Launch at The Synchrotron

The Illuminations portrait collection was launched at the Australian Synchrotron, 14th August, by nobel laureate Prof Brian Schmidt.
See face book entry.

The exhibition is open to the public Fridays only, 12pm – 4pm. till further notice.
National Centre for Synchrotron Science,
800 Blackburn Rd, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3168
Ph. (03) 8540 4100

Adelaide Fringe Festival 2013

Illuminations will appear as an event at The Adelaide Fringe Festival, 2013. The exhibition will appear at the FutureSpace Gallery, The Science Exchange, Exchange Place, Adelaide SA 5000, and is hosted by The Royal Institution in Australia. The show will run from 15th February to early June.

The exhibition has come to fruition with the generous support of-

SAHMRI – South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
Flinders University


CSIRO Discovery Centre

A portrait from Illuminations is part of an exhibition currently running at the CSIRO Discovery Centre in Canberra.

Imaging the Impossible: Science and Art at the Australian Synchrotron runs until January 29th 2013, and is likely to tour afterwards.

Australian Synchrotron

An extensive exhibition of Illuminations portraits has been confirmed at The Australian Synchrotron, Clayton. The exhibition will be mounted in the new National Centre for Synchrotron Science (NCSS), beginning in National Science Week, 2013 with launch date August 14th. Public opening hours have been created for viewing the exhibition, (and The Australian Synchrotron’s permanent art collection), 12pm – 4pm Fridays, until further notice.

NYHS, New York

Illuminations images are currently on display at the New York Hall of Science, NYC. They join an exhibition of digital images mounted to celebrate 2011, International Year of Chemistry. The show will go on tour in the US during 2012.

More information can be found at the website of ASCI, the New York based portal for Art Science collaborations: